Sunday, November 15, 2009

Welcome to Crazytown, USA

It has been a crazy past few weeks for Isabella.
4 parties in 2 weeks = insane

Our fingers might be aching and bleeding by the time production is done, but we're happy to announce they are tears of joy sliding down our face.

Aside from production we are busy prepping for two photo shoots with a quick deadline. On December 13th Isabella will be featured in St Paul's Pioneer Press Business section in the column "Open for Business"-a weekly spotlight on local business less than 1 year old. So before it goes to print we are hoping to update our Etsy photos of our jewelry and get a couple good head shots of us for the article!

So amidst the party planning, production, and photo shoots we're squeezing in local boutique research, other publications to possibly feature Isabella, holiday party?, more designs, and the haunting fact that little brother will be home in 2 weeks for T-giving to reclaim his 'bedroom' aka 'Isabella HQ'.

With a stack of new holiday-inspired mags by our side (hello, SJP on the latest Elle?! gorgeous) we are experimenting with art direction, repeating our new motto "TIME IS MONEY" whenever a family member walks by HQ, and staying in good spirits thanks to Pandora Radio (and Sunday's Mason Jennings concert!)

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